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Four common teenage crimes

On Behalf of | May 10, 2018 | Criminal Defense

It is no surprise to anyone that teenagers sometimes get into trouble. Adolescence is often a time of rebellion and experimentation. As a parent, it is important for you to know about the risk of juvenile crime and to get legal help if law enforcement arrests your child.

One important step in preventing your high schooler from falling into legal trouble is understanding the most common offenses among young people. Here is a list of some of the most prevalent juvenile crimes.

1. Drug offenses

Teenagers are prone to experimenting with various drugs, including marijuana, cocaine and opioids. Some potential circumstances that may lead to your teen facing criminal charges include the following:

  • Stealing prescription medications from your cabinet
  • Smoking marijuana at a party
  • Selling drugs in an effort to make money

According to the United States Department of Justice, drug arrests among teensare on the rise.

2. Alcohol crimes

High school students may also try drinking alcohol. Simply consuming and possessing alcohol is a crime for those under the age of 21. While this is concerning enough, some teenagers take it further by driving under the influence. Underage DUI is a serious and dangerous crime.

3. Theft/stealing

Teens commit theft for a variety of reasons. They may want to feel the rush of doing something wrong or simply feel pressure from peers. Examples of theft include stealing alcohol from a convenience store, taking a backpack from another student at school or burglarizing a home.

4. Violent crimes

Unfortunately, some adolescents commit violence. This may take the form of the following activities:

  • Bullying to the extent it is assault
  • Battery
  • Sexual assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Robbery

Teens may also become violent because it is difficult for them to control their emotions.

If your teen is facing any charges, make sure you step in to help so there are no permanent repercussions.


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