Housing is a fundamental need for individuals and families alike. However, for those with a felony conviction on their record, finding suitable housing can be an arduous task. The impact of a felony conviction extends beyond the criminal justice system, often...
The relationship between spouses can often be volatile. In fact, even couples who love each other very much can become embroiled in conflict. Though this conflict is rarely violent in nature, a doctor in Massachusetts was recently indicted for murder in a case...
College is a time of great academic pursuits and personal growth. Between studying for exams, discovering a path in life, and creating lifelong relationships, there is a huge amount of pressure and expectation placed on students. Sometimes, this pressure may...
Massachusetts has some of the nation's strictest gun laws that place significant limits on the rights of individuals to own and carry firearms. The state recently passed a law banning the use of "bump stocks," attachments that can convert a semi-automatic weapon into...
The Massachusetts legislature has enacted several laws intended to curb gun violence. These laws apply mainly to handguns, which are defined as a firearm with a barrel less than 16" long. Two major provisions affect the possession and use of handguns.The first...
Criminal trials are conducted according to strict procedural rules. One of the most important set of rules governs the admissibility in a trial of various types of evidence. These rules go by various names -- in Massachusetts, they are called the Guide to Evidence --...
The phrase "Miranda warning" is known to most residents of Massachusetts, but the exact meaning of the phrase is often unclear. The phrase refers to the title of a famous United States Supreme Court ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, decided in 1966. The case turned on...
Police in Massachusetts use many different techniques to gather evidence in a criminal investigation. One of the most frequently used techniques is the pre-arranged transaction, such as the sale and purchase of illegal drugs. To execute the scheme, a police officer...
Ever since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, many states, including Massachusetts, have passed laws making "terroristic threats" a crime. Prior to passage of such laws, the actual use of guns, explosives and biological agents was covered by the general...
One of the most frequently used phrases in criminal law is "probable cause." In Massachusetts, probable cause is necessary to arrest someone, conduct a search without a warrant, detain a person arrested on suspicion of having committed a crime or to obtain a search...